It's February. It's the month of seemingly endless suffering. We get ice and snow storms typically usually accompanied by the coldest temperatures of the year with downright brutal winds. I like green things but let's face it, my "garden" looks like this :
Last year was an amazing growing season. We certainly learned a host of lessons on what to plant, when to plant and more importantly I think, HOW MUCH to plant. Needless, to say one does not need 47 lettuce plants. Oh, and when you get "double yield" cucumber seeds, they mean it. All great topics to delve into for future posts.
But all in all, the table was continuously graced with home grown colors that continue to make me smile.
So in the midst of last weeks arrival of a fresh foot and a half of snow, I brought out my dirt and my pots and got started on my brassica. They want to be outside as established plants before the last frost so I thumb my nose at you old man winter and I shall bring forth green things in the house where I can nurture them and smell the wonders of earth, even when I can't see it outside. Here, in my own way, with my romanesco, cauliflower and cabbages I look forward to greener days in the not so distant future.
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