Currently I'm working on a garden layout based on sun/shade and companion planting, while taking into consideration the fact that two years ago we got the dreaded tomato blight so I'm keeping tomatoes out of the box they were in that year. I never paid attention to companion planting before last year, but from now on I will. Last year's garden did very well (except for my poor cucurbits, which were afflicted with everything from powdery mildew to cucumber beetles to squash vine borers) and I'd like to think companion planting had at least some influence on the garden's success. Of course, the weather was unusually warm and dry last summer, so most gardens did do quite well as long as there was enough water to go around.
This year's seeds came from Seed Savers Exchange, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, and Peaceful Valley Farm Supply. I may order more but I already have more than I could possibly use! Seed starting will begin over the next month or so for romanesco, tomatoes, tomatillos, and possibly herbs.
From which supplier do you like to order seeds? Are there any particular varieties you plant year after year, or do you like to try something new each season? I have a modest vegetable garden but am always looking for ways to improve and maximize it.
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